Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tahun Pedoman 2018/2019

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I. Read the text carefully, than answer the questions!
Hello, friends! Let me introduce myself. My name is Ari Pratama. Just call me Anton. I am a student. I am the student of the fifth class. I study in Mentari Elementary School. I live in a village. There are many kinds of professions that I can find in my village. Some of them are fisherman, farmer, teacher, mechanic, plumber, carpenter, etc.

Fisherman is a person who looks for fish in the sea. Farmer is a person who works in a rice field. Plumber is a person who repairs the broken pipe. Carpenter is a person who makes furnitures. Teacher is a person who teaches the students. While mechanic is a person who repairs the broken cars.

1. Where does Ari study?
Answer : .................................................................................................................................................
2. Mention 3 professions that we can find at Ari's village !
Answer : .................................................................................................................................................
3. What does a fisherman do?
Answer : .................................................................................................................................................
4. Where does a farmer work?
Answer : .................................................................................................................................................
5. What does a teacher do?
Answer : .................................................................................................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !
1. These are water transportations, except ....
a. ship
b. boat
c. bike
d. tanker

2. A train stops at the ....
a. airport
b. harbour
c. bus station
d. railway station

3. Mr. Rozak goes to the airport. He will go to Kalimantan by ....
a. plane
b. ship
c. bicycle
d. helicopter

4. Mr. Jaya makes chairs and tables. He is a ....
a. sailor
b. painter
c. dentist
d. carpenter

6. Mrs. Nina helps the doctor. She is a ....
a. tailor
b. nurse
c. typist
d. shopkeeper

7. Mr. Andi designs a house. He is a/an ....
a. army
b. lawyer
c. librarian
d. architect

Text for number 8 to 10
Nowadays, people are easy to move to other places. They may choose many means of transportation. If they want to go for a long distance, they can go by plane. Plane can move very fast. It can also carry many people. When people want to cross the sea, they can go by ship. it can carry thousands of people
8. Nowadays, people are .... to move to other places
a. difficult
b. easy
c. common
d. slow

9. A .... can reach a long distance in a few hours.
a. car
b. plane
c. bus
d. train

10. A ship moves slowly, but it can carry... of people.
a. a few
b. a little
c. not many
d. thousands

11. Fifteen divided by three is ....
a. three
b. five
c. seven
d. nine

12. Mr. Satrio flies a plane. He is a ....
a. pilot
b. drive
c. librarian
d. policeman

13. A: "What is the number before.fifty three?
В: "It is number .... “
a. fifty two
b. fifty three
c. fifty five
d. fifty six

14. A : What is eleven multiplied by four?"
B : “It is .... “
a. forty three
b. forty four
c. forty one
d. forty

15. A: "What is the number after fifty four?
B:"It is number ....”
a. fifty two
b. fifty three
c. fifty five
d. fifty six

16. A: "What is eleven multiplied by two?"
B. "It is number .... "
a. twenty three
b. twenty two
c. twenty one
d. twenty

17. A man who repairs the broken cars is a ....
a. doctor
b. director
c. artist
d. mechanic

18. Mrs. Sari is making clothes. She is a ....
a. headmaster
b. typist
c. sailor
d. tailor

19. A .... can carry thousans of people.
a. plane
b. ship
c. bus
d. car

20. Mr. Arman leads the school. He is a ....
a. teacher
b. headmaster
c. bricklayer
d. lawyer

21. Mr. Tarno plants paddy in the rice fild. He is a ....
a. teacher
b. farmer
c. carpenter
d. bricklayer

22. It is a land transportation. It has three wheels. It is a ....
a. car
b. train
c. pedicap
d. truck

23. Mrs. Danu cuts Indra’s hair. Mr Danu is a ....
a. carpenter
b. barber
c. bricklayer
d. farmer

24. A : “What is twenty four divided by three?”
B : “It is .... “
a. six
b. seven
c. eight
d. nine

25. A :”What is eight muliplied by five?”
B :”It is .... “
a. Twenty
b. Thirty five
c. forty
d. fifty

Text for number 26 to 30
My name is Dandi. I am a student. I have a brother and a sister. My brother's name is Edo and my sister’s name is Dewi. Edo flies a plane.He is a pilot. While my sister works in the hospital. She is a nurse.
26. Dandi is a ....
a. plumber
b. student
c. gardener
d. headmaster

27. Edo files a ....
a. ship
b. plane
c. car
d. train

28. Edo is a ....
a. pilot
b. driver
e. soldier
d. mechanic

29. Where does Dewi work?
a. at school
b. in the library
c. in the hospltal
d. at an offies

30. Dewi is a ....
a. teacher
b. hadmaster
c. nurse

Baca Juga:

    d. secretary

    III. Translate in to Indonesian !
    1. Astri has eight rabbits
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    2. I go to school by bicycle
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    3. A ship stops at the harbour
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    4. My uncle works as a chef
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    5. Fifteen plus fifteen equals to thirty
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    IV. Translate in to English !
    1. Pesawat berhenti di bandara
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    2. Adinda membeli lima komik
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    3. Pak Joko seorang pelaut
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    4. Meraka berangkat sekolah dengan sepeda
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    5. Iwan memiliki lima puluh kelereng
    Answer : .............................................................................................................................

    Download Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

    Kunci Jawaban Room I

    1. Ari studies in Mentari Elementary School
    2. There are fisherman, farmer, teacher
    3. Fisherman looks for fish in the sea
    4. Farmer works in a rice field
    5. Teacher teaches the students

    Kunci Jawaban Room II

    1. c. bike
    2. d. railway station
    3. a. plane
    4. d. carpenter
    6. b. nurse
    7. d. architect
    8. b. easy
    9. b. plane
    10. d. thousands
    11. b. five
    12. a. pilot
    13. a. fifty two
    14. b. forty four
    15. c. fifty five
    16. b. twenty two
    17. d. mechanic
    18. d. tailor
    19. b. ship
    20. b. headmaster
    21. b. farmer
    22. c. pedicap
    23. b. barber
    24. c. eight
    25. c. forty
    26. b. student
    27. b. plane
    28. a. pilot
    29. c. in the hospltal
    30. c. nurse

    Kunci Jawaban Room III

    1. Astri memiliki delapan kelinci
    2. aku pergi sekolah dengan naik sepeda
    3. Kapal berhenti di pelabuhan
    4. Pamanku bekerja sebagai koki
    5. Lima belas ditambah lima belas sama dengan tiga puluh

    Kunci Jawaban Room IV

    1. A plane stops at the airport
    2. Adinda buys five comics
    3. Mr. Joko is a sailor
    4. They go to school by bicycle
    5. Iwan has fifty marbles

    Note: Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 yaitu konten yang disusun oleh dan dilindungi undang-undang hak cipta. Dilarang mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang konten dalam bentuk apapun ! Terima kasih
    Itulah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 yang sanggup aku bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat.

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