Paket Lengkap Imbas Janji Organisasionaldan Sumbangan Tim Kerja Terhadap Representasi Eksternal Faktual Karyawan Di Kawasan Kerja

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    ABSTRACT: This research aimed to determine the influence of organizational commitment, and teamwork support towards a positive employee external representation research on the frontline employees ? McD in Denpasar Bali. The population in this study is 50 employees. The sampling method in this research  using saturated sample. All members of the population in this study use as a respondents because the population is small only 50 people. Thetool  analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results in this study obtained the effect of organizational commitment is positive but not significant toa  positive employee external representation, and teamwork support have a significant positive effect on positive employee  external representation.
    Kata kunci: akad organisasional, proteksi tim kerja, representasi eksternal nyata karyawan
    Penulis: Intan Maharani Widari
    Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170136

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