Paket Lengkap Efek Kinerja Keuangan, Struktur Modal Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Gcg Dan Csr Sebagai Variabel Moderating Pada Perusahaan Peringkat Pertama Ara, Isra Dan Peringkat Emas Proper Yang Listing Di Bei Periode 2011-2015
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Abstract: Maximizing firm value is essential for a company because it means increasing the wealth of shareholders as well. This study aims to determine influence of financial performance, capital structure, and firm SIZE on firm valueGCG and CSR as a moderating variable. The research population used was the first winner of ARA, ISRA andPROPER listing in IDX on 2011Â2015 of 65 observations using quantitative approach and secondary data withpurposive sampling technique. Data analysis method used is classical assumption test and Moderated RegressionAnalysis. Based on the results of research analysis shows that ROA affects the value of the company because theprofit is desirable by investors, DER affects the value of the company because as the composition of financing the company's investment with the use of debt, so it takes balance between risk and return that will be borne by the shareholders, and Firm SIZE does not affect the value of the company because investors are more looking at the company's performance compared to the total assets owned by the company. While GCG is not able to moderate because the percentage of managerial ownership in a company is still low even there are companies that do not have managerial ownership and CSR is not able to moderate because of the provisions that explain the company's obligations in conducting business carry out social and environmental responsibilities.
Keywords: Firm Value, GCG , and CSR
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171168