Paket Lengkap Dampak Merk Association Terhadap Consumer Response Pada Produk Louis Vuitton Di Surabaya
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ABSTRACT: Louis Vuitton is known with initial LV and also a merk that affected consumer in decision making. Brand Association are attributes linked to the merk by customers that is determined with the guarantee function, the personal identification function, the social identification function, dan the status function. Consumer response is an effort to satisfy a drive. Reaction evoked by a stimulus consumer response, which it is determined with willingness to pay a price premium for the brand, willingness to accept merk extentions, dan willingness to recommend the merk to other. This research aim to test the effect of merk association of LV to consumer response with linier regression. The result shows that merk association of LV affect consumer response significantly.
Keywords: Brand Association, Consumer Response
Penulis: Angela Stephani, Indarini, Christina Rahardja Honantha
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd080128