Paket Lengkap Imbas Free Cash Flow, Investment Opportunity Set, Dan Return On Asset Terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio Pada Perusahaan Sektor Mining Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Abad 2011-2015
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the influences of Free Cash Flow, Investment Opportunity Set, and Return on Asset on Dividend Payout Ratio in the company. This research uses quantitative approach and secondary data sourced from the financial statements of companies published by the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2011-2015. The object of thisresearch is the Mining Sector Companies which listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample of this study is10 companies chosen by purposive sampling method. The method of analysis is multiple linear regression using IBM SPSS 23th version. The results showed that Return on Asset has a positively effect to Dividend Payout Ratio. While Free Cash Flow and Investment Opportunity Set have no effect to the Dividend Payout Ratio. Big or smallFree Cash Flow scale, the company will be more interested to make the investment to maintain the company'soperations so it will not influences to the Dividend Payout Ratio. Meanwhile, the low Investment Opportunity Sethas no influence to the Dividend Payout Ratio because there are other factors that more influence to DividendPayout Ratio, one of the stronger factor is the absolute authority of majority shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholder. Then, the positively affect between Return On Asset and Dividend Payout Ratio indicates that the higher Return On Asset in the company, will be the higher profit on assets achieved so that the Dividend Payout Ratio will also raise. On the other hand, if the profitability of a company's assets is low, the Dividend Payout Ratiowill be low too. The main recommendations given by this research from the positive influence of Return on Asset on Dividend Payout Ratio. The Companies can focus on achieving optimal returns on assets. Investors can also see Return on Asset at the company in making the investment decisions.
Keywords: Free Cash Flow, Investment Opportunity Set, Return On Asset, Dividend Payout Ratio
Penulis: Alto Amano Andromiko Kafata
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180459