Paket Lengkap Analisis Kinerja Karyawan Menurut Budaya Organisasi Dan Motivasi

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    ABSTRACT: This study anlyzes The Factors Affecting the Organization and Motivation Cultures towards the Improvement of the Employees’ Work.The reserach variables and indicators refer to the porevious studies. A Model isdeveloped and 4 hypothesis are formulated to answer the researchproblems.The reserach respondents are 102 people of SMAN Semarang’semployees. The instruments for the data analysis applied in this study isDouble Regression. The data analysis shows that the result of this study iswell accepted. This result proves that the Organisation Culture has positiveimpact on the employees’ improvement. The employees’ motivation has alsopositive impact on their work.
    Keywords: employees’s improvement, organization’s culture, motivation
    Penulis: Sugiharti
    Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170428

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