Paket Lengkap Efek Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Transaksional Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Divisi Sdm Pt.Pelindo Iii Cabang Tanjung Perak Surabaya
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Abstract: PT. Pelindo III Cabang Tanjung Perak Surabaya is one of the companies, is one of Indonesia's Gate, which serves as the collector and agen of goods to and from eastern Indonesia, including East Java province because of its strategic location and supported by hinterland potential then the port of Tanjung Perak is also a cruise Center Intensulair area east of Indonesia. Based on the vision of the company is to become a prime kepelabuhanan providing services, committed and spur national logistics integration. It takes the conduct which gave major influence on employees in order to be able to achieve its business goals. Leaders are also able to adapt to the environment of the Organization so that it can improve the performance of employees.
The study used a quantitative approach is a method. Engineering data collection using the technique of saturated samples. The notion of saturated sample is when all members of a population is used as a sample. This is done when the population is relatively small, less than 30 people, or research with a very small mistake.
The results of this research is the leadership style has a positive result against employee performance and transactional leadership style has a negative result and not significantly to the performance of the employees of the Division of Human Resourch of PT. Pelindo III Branch Tanjung Perak In Surabaya.
Keywords: Transformational Leadership Style, Transactional Leadership Style, Employee Performance
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171086