Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor Yang Mensugesti Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Peluang Bisnis Dan Minat Menjadi Entrepreneur

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    Abstract: This paper aims to identify the factorthat influence the perception of business opportunities, and the latter’s influence onentrepreneurial intention. The research method was sensus with quantitative analysis approach. The model is tested on Totalwin College of Business students.Data was collected with questionnaires. By applying a structural equationmodel, we observed that the perception of self abilities (self-efficacy) positively andsignificantly affects both the perception of opportunities and entrepreneurial intention,and that the perception of opportunities affects entrepreneurial intention.
    Keywords: perception of self abilities, perception of business opportunities, entrepreneurial intention
    Penulis: Kukuh Mulyanto
    Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180006

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