Paket Lengkap Evaluating Merk Image And Consumer Product Knowledge Of Apple Smartphone In Manado

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    Abstract: Telecommunication device help people to communicate with other people at a distance. Telecommunication industry also make the high growth rate of this industry over the past few decades and the significant contribution of the industry to the economies of the nations. The aim for this study is to evaluating merk image and consumer product knowledge of Apple smartphone in Manado. This research has identified 2 variables of merk image and product knowledge  Brand image is the perception of merk that created in memory of consumer due to merk involvement. Product knowledge as a perception consumers have towards certain products, including previous experience of using the product. The population of this research is all the customers that use Apple smartphone (iPhone) in Manado. The sample of this research using Non probability sampling with 100 people have experience using Apple smartphone in Manado. The result from this research Apple smartphone is needs a periodic assessment about the performance of merk image and product knowledge so the jadwal that established always meets the customer’s satisfaction in needs or expectation.
    Keywords: merk image, product knowledge, importance and performance analysis
    Penulis: Eukaristia M Sanggor, Sifrid S. Pangemanan, Farlane S. Rumokoy
    Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd180231

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