Paket Lengkap Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Air Higienis Dan Sanitasi Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia

Abstract: Using Logistic Regression and Hedonic Price Model, this study aims to find the social-economic factors infuencing the demand and willingness to pay (WTP) for clean water supply and proper sanitation. This study find that education and age of household head are the affecting factors. Also, it found that per capita expenditure aects the availibilty of access for sanitation and clean water for all household group. WTP for clean water and sanitation in urban is greater than in rural. In additions, WTP of non poor households are greater than poor household, except for urban area.
Keywords: MDGs; WTP; Hedonic Price Model; Logistic Model, MDGs, WTP; Model Harga Hedonik; Model Regresi Logistic
Penulis: Watekhi, Djoni Hartono, Rika Kumala Dewi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd110392

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