Soal Ukk / Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018

Berikut ini yakni teladan latihan Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Soal sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Semoga soal UKK Bahasa Inggris ini sanggup dijadikan acuan untuk mencar ilmu khususnya adik-adik kelas 1 guna persiapan diri menghadapi Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas.

Berikut ini yakni teladan latihan Soal UKK  Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018

I. Answer the question based on the text !

Hi, I am Jihan. This is my dining room.
There are a plate, a bowl, a spoon, a fork, a glass, and a napkin.
I eat in my dining room.
Everyday I sweep the floor.
My dining room is clean.

1. Is this Jihan's dining room?
Answer : ...............................................................................................................

2. Mention the things in the dining room !
Answer : ...............................................................................................................

3. Where does Jihan eat?
Answer : ...............................................................................................................

4. Does Jihan sweep the floor everyday?
Answer : ...............................................................................................................

5. Is Jihan’s diningroom dirty?
Answer : ...............................................................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. t-e-p-a-l
The correct one is ....
a. patel
b. tlape
c. plate

2. The number before nine is ....
a. six
b. seven
c. eight

3. The number between six and eight is ....
a. five
b. seven
c. nine

4. My phone number is 0217345698. You can read ....
a. zero - two - one - seven - three - five - eight – four - five-nine
b. zero - two - one - seven - three - four - five – six - nine – eight
c. zero - two- one - four - five - three - seven – six- nine - eight

5. There is a .... in the dining room
a. pillow
b. blanket
c. bowl

6. Selimut in English is ....
a. blanket
b. bolster
c. carpet

7. My sister takes a bath in the ....
a. bedroom
b. bathroom
c. garage

Berikut ini yakni teladan latihan Soal UKK  Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018

There are two .... on the bed
a. books
b. dolls
c. pillows

9. There is a .... in the kitchen
a. car
b. bolster
c. stove

10. After taking a bath, I need a ....
a. napkin
b. curtain
c. towel

11. They are things in the bedroom, except ....
a. pillow
b. fan
c. bike

12. Naila wants to wash his hair. She needs ....
a. detergent
b. shoap
c. shampoo

13. My mother waters flower in the ....
a. veranda
b. park
c. kitchen

14. That is a .... for sleeping
a. bed
b. table
c. cupboard

15. I need a .... for cutting vegetable
a. spoon
b. fork
c. knife

16. There is a .... in the class room.
a. stove
b. whiteboard
c. bed

17. I use a .... for drinking
a. glass
b. fork
c. plate

18. My sister wants to make fried rice. She needs ....
a. frying pan
b. kettle
c. bowl

19. We sit on the ....
a. table
b. wall
c. chair

20. There is a .... in the dining room.
a. computer
b. spoon
c. doll

21. Dodi is reading ....
a. radio
b. magazine
c. television

22. Firda is watching .... in the living room
a. radio
b. newspaper
c. television

23. The .... can fly
a. bird
b. horse
c. dog

24. Dinding itu putih in English is ....
a. The wall is green
b. The wall is yellow
c. The wall is white

25. Mother keeps meat in the ....
a. wardrobe
b. washbasin
c. freezer

26. Rabbit eats ....
a. meat
b. honey
c. carrot

27. I meet my teacher in the afternoon. I say ....
a. good morning
b. good night
c. good afternoon

Berikut ini yakni teladan latihan Soal UKK  Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018

 Is this an elephant?
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it does

29. A : “How are you?”
      B : “ …. “
a. I am fine
b. Hello
c. thank you

Berikut ini yakni teladan latihan Soal UKK  Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018
Look at the picture ! We can say ....
a. It is cold
b. It is hot
c. It is warm

III. Translate into English !

1. Satu ditambah enam sama dengan tujuh
Jawab : ...............................................................................................

2. Sembilan dikurangi tiga sama dengan enam
Jawab : ...............................................................................................

Baca Juga:

    3. Ini sebuah garpu
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    4. Ada sebuah kursi
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    5. Selamat siang Pak Harun
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    IV. Translate into Indonesian !

    1. This is a stove
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    2. I sit on the sofa
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    3. There is a fan
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    4. There are two cars
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    5. Edo cleans the window
    Jawab : ...............................................................................................

    Jika ingin mendownload soal berikut ini linknya ↓

    Soal UKK / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Semester 2 Terbaru Tahun 2018

    Kunci Jawaban Room I

    1. Yes, it is
    2. There are a plate, a bowl, a spoon, a fork, a glass, and a napkin.
    3. in the dining room
    4. Yes, she does
    5. No, it is not

    Kunci Jawaban Room II

    1. c. plate
    2. c. eight
    3. b. seven
    4. b. zero - two - one - seven - three - four - five – six - nine – eight
    5. c. bowl
    6. a. blanket
    7. b. bathroom
    8. b. dolls
    9. c. stove
    10. c. towel
    11. c. bike
    12. c. shampoo
    13. b. park
    14. a. bed
    15. c. knife
    16. b. whiteboard
    17. a. glass
    18. a. frying pan
    19. c. chair
    20. b. spoon
    21. b. magazine
    22. c. television
    23. a. bird
    24. c. The wall is white
    25. c. freezer
    26. c. carrot
    27. c. good afternoon
    28. a. Yes, it is
    29. a. I am fine
    30. b. It is hot

    Kunci Jawaban Room III

    1. One plus six equals seven
    2. Nine minus three equals six
    3. This is a fork
    4. There is a chair
    5. Good afternoon Mr.Harun

    Kunci Jawaban Room IV

    1. Ini sebuah kompor
    2. Saya duduk di atas sofa
    3. Ada sebuah kipas angin
    4. Ada dua mobil
    5. Edo membersihkan meja
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