Paket Lengkap Penguatan Laboratorium Bank Syariah Untuk Mendukung Perkembangan Industri Keuangan Syariah

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    Abstract: Islamic banking in the last two decades has grown rapidly.  This rapid progress is inseparable from the government attempts to makeIslamic banking Islamic financial world as a trendsetter. However, tomake Indonesian Islamic banking as a trendsetter Islamic finance in Asia still faces obstacles, especially the availability of human resources from theuniversity. Role of the real banking Laboratory very urgent to provide a source for learning as well as socialization media education on academic community . This paper seeks to provide an overview based on the author’s experience to establish a laboratory, starting from the pioneering phase to the technical implementation of the synergy with student learning model.
    Kata kunci: Blueprint bank syariah, sumber daya insan bank, sumber pembelajaran, model pembelajaran dan laboratorium bank Syariah
    Penulis: Idah Zuhroh
    Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd120692

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